What to Look for If You Think Your Spouse is Cheating
One of the most concerning issues for married couples is adultery, as both men and women are fearful of being cheated on. Perhaps one of the most difficult parts of marital strife is being unsure of whether or not your partner is actually cheating on you--the worry and wonder alone will drive you crazy. With Capital Protection & Investigations on your side, you no longer have to spend nights lying awake, wondering if your spouse is really where he or she says they are. However, before you even consider looking into a Florida private investigation service to investigate your spouse, there are certain tips and signs that may hint of infidelity.
The following are some of the most common signs that your spouse may be unfaithful to you:
- Constantly changing passwords to social media profiles, email, phone passcode, etc.
- Sudden increase or decrease in intimacy
- Cleared computer history
- Extra spending with no clear answer as to why or where the money goes
- Sudden increase in social outings without you
- Sudden management in physical appearance
- Blaming you for everything, or picking unnecessary fights
- Increase in gifts
- Not wearing wedding ring
- Break in routine
- Lack of interest
- Your mutual friends are suddenly acting strange around you
- Constantly trying to get you out of the house
- Condoms when you are on the pill, or birth control pills when you have had a vasectomy
- Smelling different than usual, or constantly showering
- ED medication such as Viagra or Cialis--if your spouse is taking these with you, then you may notice missing pills
- Longer work hours
- Last but not least--your very own gut instinct
Contact Our Florida Private Investigation Services Today
At Capital Protection & Investigations, we understand just how vital it is you enlist the help of the right investigator for infidelity surveillance. Entirely ethical, inconspicuous, and trustworthy, we realize nothing is quite as devastating as learning of your spouse’s indiscretions--except, perhaps, the fear of the unknown. Allow us to quell that fear for you.
Don’t hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience by calling (888) 364-6185